https://doi.org/10.62631/jikesi.v2i2.47Kata Kunci:
father's involvement, family planning, couples of childbearing ageAbstrak
Background: The father's role is often considered only as a breadwinner to fulfill the child's material needs, so that his involvement in family planning program participation is often considered trivial. This often happens, especially in countries with a highly patriarchal cultural environment.
Research Methods: In this research, quantitative correlational research is used, where this research is intended to determine whether there is an influence between two variables or several variables. The population in this study was couples of childbearing age in the working area of the Pangkajene Health Center, Sidrap Regency in 2024, totaling 7676 people. The sample in this study was 40 respondents
Result: The influence of the level of father involvement in couples of childbearing age on the family planning program in the Pangkajene Health Center Working Area showed that there was high involvement of fathers with PUS who used long-term family planning as many as 7 people (23.3%), and the number of PUS who used short-term family planning was 16 people (53.3). , as well as PUS who do not use family planning as many as 7 people (23.3%). Meanwhile, the low involvement of fathers in PUS who use long-term family planning is 0 (0.0%), and PUS who use short-term family planning are 5 people (50.0%), and PUS who do not use family planning are 5 people (50.0%).
From the results of the Chi-Square statistical test, a P-Value of 0.127 was obtained, which means that Ho is Rejected, so there is no influence of father involvement on the participation of couples of childbearing age in the family planning program in the Pangkajene Community Health Center Working Area.
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